Part 3


Setting: One year later, outside of Crystal City


Ash, Pikachu, May, Max, and Brock are seen walking down the road.

<Narrator: Today, our heroes have decided to stop at the famous Crystal City. Little do they know, but more than just a city awaits them up ahead. >

Brock is looking through his guidebook as they walk down the road.

            <Brock: It says here that Crystal City is famous for being one of the few Pokémon City Reserves. >

            <Ash: Pokémon City Preserves? >

<Max: A Pokémon City Preserve is a city that allows wild Pokémon to roam freely within its boundaries without the fear of capture. >

<May: So its like a Pokémon preserve, except its in a city? >

<Max: Yup. >

<Ash: Darn, now I can’t catch any city Pokémon there. >

As they walk down the road, Jessie, James, and Meowth appear in their Meowth balloon.

            <Jessie: Prepare for trouble! >

            <James: Make it double! >

            <Ash and Co.: Team Rocket! >

            <Jessie: To protect the world from devastation! >

            <James: To unite all peoples within our nation! >

<Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love! >

<James: To extend our reach to the stars above! >

<Jessie: Jessie! >

<James: James! >

<Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! >

<James: Surrender now or prepare to fight! >

<Meowth: Meowth! That's right! >

Meowth pulls out a device and uses it to scoop up Pikachu.

            <Ash: Hey! Give Pikachu back! >

            <Meowth: In your dream twerp! >

Ash prepares to battle, pulling out a Pokéball. Before he can release his Pokémon, however, another Pikachu hops out of nowhere.

            <Second Pikachu: Pi Pikachu! Pika! >

<Jessie: Oh, look, another pipsqueak. The twerps are so helpless their employing wild Pokémon to help them. >

            <James: Meowth, what did it say? >

            <Meowth: It said, ‘Leave my friends alone! Go away!’ >

            <Jessie: A punk Pikachu, huh? Go, Seviper! >

Jessie sends out her Seviper and it does battle with the Pikachu. As they battle, Ash and Co. watch in amazement.

            <Ash: Hey, doesn’t that Pikachu look familiar? >

            <Brock: Yeah, I feel as if I know it from somewhere. >

            <May: Not me, I’ve never seen it before. >

            <Max: Me neither. >

Ash and Co. turn their attention back to the battle. The Pikachu has successfully knocked out Seviper, though not without injury.

            <Jessie: Grr. Seviper, return. >

 Seviper disappears into its Pokéball. The Pikachu shocks the device holding Pikachu, causing it to explode. Ash’s Pikachu is thrown clear, but the explosion carries Team Rocket away.

            <Team Rocket: Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again! >

As Team Rocket blasts off, Ash rushes forward to retrieve his Pikachu. Brock hurries over to the other Pikachu, which has just collapsed from exhaustion.

            <Brock: Hey, Ash. This Pikachu is badly hurt. We should get it to a Pokémon Center. >

Ash, May, and Max hurry over to look. The Pikachu looks like it just ran a marathon in 100-degree weather. Max picks it up and wraps it in a cloth. Ash and Co. then hurry off towards the Crystal City Pokémon Center.



Part 4 will be coming soon, along with a surprising revelation!