Chapter 4: Returns & the Indigo League Begins! Taichu rested its head in Ayesha's lap as she and Shigeru flew with Pideotor over the Shikitani Ocean, the ocean separating Indigo from Crystalmir. They had gotten up a little before dawn. Once more Shigeru had wrestled Ayesha to the ground so that he could insert the drops and they left by dawn as the Pideotor had requested. The wind blew Ayesha's black, silver laced hair back in violent waves, her hands clutched around Shigeru's waist, which he didn't hate, at least, not all that much. "How much longer do you think we'll be...flying?" he asked. "Maybe another hour!" Ayesha called. "We've been flying for maybe two and Pideotor is going pretty fast!" "Try five minutes!" Shigeru called. "Look!" He pointed and sure enough, the site known as Pallet Town was rearing up. "Okay, so maybe he's going faster then I thought," Ayesha said, though to softly for anyone to hear over the roar of wind. Pideotor screeched as it came in for a landing among the fields of Pallet Town. Huge clouds of dust sprang up as it beat its wings rapidly in order not to injure itself in its landing. By the time the dust had settled, Shigeru and Ayesha were humbly thanking it and it rose, disappearing into the sky in the direction of the deeper Indigo Continent. "And I don't blame it," Shigeru snorted. "Well, might as well see to my grandfather I guess." Together, the two set off. Not half a mile into the walk, Ayesha shrugged off her cloak and the outfit made Shigeru blush. Her shirt came to her thighs, but was only buttoned to just before her midriff, exposing her belly button. Her jeans were loose and a red sash wrapped around them, six Pokeballs jingling on it as she walked. Her boots were leather as well, a golden anklet sparkling in the sun, a ruby set in the center. But Shigeru was also shocked, for her right arm was completely wrapped in ancient rune tattoos. Shigeru looked up at the sun and had to agree with Ayesha. He shrugged off his own cloak, finding it had the same affect on Ayesha, who promptly turned away to hide an obvious blush. He wore a turtleneck, sleeveless shirt that stuck to his chest tightly, showing off his abs, with about six belts crossing horizontally over his chest. He had on black leather pants as well that fit close to his form, six Pokeballs fitted neatly onto the belt. His boots were brown hiking boots and he wore leather trainer's gloves to his elbow. His oak brown hair slightly hid a single, white cross earring on his left ear. "Here we are," Shigeru said and nodded at the rather large house/laboratory. "Fine by me," Ayesha said and knocked. Shigeru hung back a little, not sure how his Grandfather would respond after three years of never hearing from him. The door creaked open and a head peeked out, topped with a head full of silver hair and brown eyes. "Hello? Who might you be? A little old...and early for picking up your Pokemon aren't you?" "Grandpa! It's me! Shigeru!" Shigeru cried, stepping forward, thrusting himself in front of Professor Okkido. "Shigeru...?" Okkido asked and peered at the boy. "SHIGERU!" Professor Okkido immediately wrapped the boy in a tight hug upon recognition. "We all thought you and Satoshi were dead!" He dragged Shigeru in and motioned for Ayesha to follow, "Tracy! He's back! Shigeru's back!" The young apprentice popped out from behind a computer and stared open mouthed at the two trainers. Tracy had changed a little, his hair longer and now held in a ponytail that reached his shoulder blades. Other then that, no other change was apparent. "Shigeru?" he croaked. "But...three years...where?" "It may take awhile to explain," Shigeru said. "But you need to know. Sit down, you don't want to hear this standing up." "And that's what's happened," Shigeru finished, sipping his tea. "That's why we came back. We need to see the Elite Four right away!" "It's the tournament season Shigeru!" Okkido cried. "You'd never get in. Everyone thinks you and Satoshi are dead, and for all we know he is!" "He's not!" Ayesha spoke up forcefully. "If he was then the Master would have announced it already and Pyra would have said so when she faced me!" "That reminds me," Shigeru said and grabbed her, laying her down again. Okkido and Tracy turned to each other and blinked, ideas forming in their heads as the two argued while Shigeru tried to administer something like eye drops. "Again?! But I thought-," Ayesha began. "Be quiet! I can't get this stuff in right when you talk and blink like that!" Shigeru snapped and Ayesha quieted. When he was done she sat back up, throwing a death glare at him. "Anyway, when can we leave? If we can't see them by just asking, then we'll get there by competing." "You sure?" Tracy asked. "I know you're still valid and all, but..." "We might give the public a scare?" Ayesha finished, smirking at Tracy, making him blush. "Considering the circumstances, I think you really should go ahead with this plan of action," Okkido consented. "Grandpa...," Shigeru didn't finish, letting the sentence hang, if you could call it that. "I know you just got back, but a whole continent needs your help!" Okkido said and rose. "I'll get you some things and send you on your way with a Black Ash!" "You have a Black Ash?" they both spurted together. "Why yes!" Okkido said as he stuck some packs together. He continued on and on about his new theory until the two trainers shut him up so they could leave. Not that they wanted to, but it was necessary, and if they didn't, they would have been talked to death. "Shigeru Okkido," Shigeru said to the registration lady the next morning. They had made good time and so it was easy to get in for registration, or the last day of it at least. "Kyen Sakimoto," Ayesha said to the lady. "Oh, we haven't seen you in a long time, Ms. Sakimoto," she smiled. Ayesha nodded and came to Shigeru. "Kyen?" Shigeru asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's the name I went by when I was in the Indigo League," she explained. "Wonder how the public will react to Shigeru showing up in the tournament. Have your first opponent shaking in their boots, eh?" Shigeru shrugged, "I just care about getting the Elite's attention." "Aye, a main priority," Ayesha nodded. "Let's book a hotel before our matches begin." She went to a phone, Shigeru leaning against the wall, waiting for her to finish. "Hey! Are you Shigeru?" asked a nasally voice. Shigeru opened one eye and was meant by a young man no more then sixteen with wild red hair tied in a blue bandana and freckles. "Yes. What can I do for you?" Shigeru asked him with a bored tone. "Watch out, got it? You're my first opponent and I intend to win!" the boy said and stuck out a fist before moving on. "We're the second match, so don't be late, that is, unless you're chicken!" "So, is this how all Indigo trainers are at tournaments, or is it just him?" Ayesha asked with a smirk as she came up. "We have reservations at the Poke-Elite Hotel." "Fine. I need to freshen up for a match," Shigeru said and turned for the restroom. "When's your match?" "I get the great honor of gracing the crowd first," Ayesha winked. "Luck of the draw eh?" "Liar, you meddled with them so you were first," Shigeru chuckled in mock shock. "Oh, and what are you going to do about it, eh?" she asked, slipping into an Irish accent. Shigeru laughed and waved idly as he headed for the bathroom. Ayesha shook her head and checked her Pokeballs. Taichu was resting in his and the others were patiently waiting. This would be easy, but just to get their attention, she'd make this show a grand one. "Be nice to him, okay?" Shigeru whispered into Ayesha's ear as she stepped onto the field for her battle. "Aye, I'll try," she whispered back and let Shigeru slink back into the shadows to watch. The announcer came on a soon as both trainers were on the field. "To throw the first match off today, we have, in the green box, Richie! An old competitor who has come once more the League to try his luck once again against the competition. In the red, we have Kyen Sakimoto! I don't know if any of you remember her, but she was an upstart trainer who placed second in the final rounds nearly six years ago!" The crowed cheered as the announcement was made and their images were posted on the board. "This match is three Pokemon each, no time limit." "Go!" the ref cried and the crowd fell silent, waiting. "Well, since he did the introductions, mind if I start?" Richie asked. Ayesha cocked an eyebrow and nodded her consent. "Alright then. I choose you! Go...Arcanine!" The great dog Pokemon sent up a shivering howl as it appeared. Ayesha quirked an eyebrow again and lazily picked a Pokeball. "Go." Out of the Pokeball streamed forth a Pokemon that made most of the girl population in the crowd shriek and faint. The Pokemon was a wreathing serpent, like an eel and dragon and snake combined. The head was dragonish, but the body was rippling with muscles, like a snake, save it had no scales, only smooth, slimy looking skin, like an eel. "What the heck is that?" the announcer called the same time as Richie as the Pokemon's head was posted for her choice. "He's called an Elesent," Ayesha called. "Now, do you want to do this, or do you want to back down? Either way, I don't care." "Aw man, how can I compete against a Pokemon I don't know anything about?" groaned Richie. He had beaten Ash before, but, hey, he had KNOWN what his Pokemon were.. "I'll keep going!" the crowd cheered wildly at this announcement. "Arcanine, Fire Blast!" The striped dog sucked in a deep breath and prepared to fire. Ayesha only smiled. The announcer came on again, "Arcanine is firing up for a Fire Blast attack on this new Pokemon called Elesent, but Kyen has done nothing or given any order to her Pokemon!" "Shut up will you?!" screamed Ayesha at the announcer. "We don't need your commentary k? Now stay out of this!" "Well, fine then!" he retorted and shut up as she had asked him to. "Anyway," Ayesha said as Arcanine released his Fire Blast, "Elesent, counter with Aqua Whirlwind!" Elesent sucked in a mighty breath and spewed out a whirling tornado of water, extinguishing Arcanine's attack and hitting the Pokemon itself. With a sickening thud, Arcanine hit the ground hard, a snapping sound signaling the breaking of bones. It didn't last much longer then that. Elesent saw its chance and without being told, rammed its head into Arcanine's gut, sending the dog in to merciful darkness. Richie groaned and threw out a Blastoise. It didn't save him though. As he soon found out, Elesent was a multi-talented Pokemon worth sending to the field. With a screeching roar it sent Blastoise to the same fate as Arcanine with a huge electrical attack called Seeker Thunder. Basically, it summoned huge thunderclouds and by screeching could direct the thunder bolt to look for any opponent and zap it with thousands of vaults. Blastoise was nearly literally cooked by the attack. Ayesha didn't so much bat an eyelash, as if she were used to such carnage. She kept staring into the crowd, hoping at least one of the Elite was there. They needed to understand the message she was sending, she couldn't afford to wait through this whole tournament, but it seemed she might have too, though the horrors the Dark Masters could reek was beyond imagination. Elesent's menacing hiss brought her back from her thoughts. Richie had summoned a new Pokemon...Pikachu. Ayesha knew she was at the disadvantage now, but she liked playing with disadvantages. Elesent hissed and eyes the smaller Pokemon with its beady eyes, waiting for orders. "Elesent, play time," Ayesha called sweetly. Elesent's eyes gained a lust filled light and it reared higher into the air, staring down at Pikachu with glowing white eyes. Pikachu stared back and just stared as Elesent drew closer, its tongue whispering over the Pikachu's face. "What did you do to Sparky?" Richie demanded. Ayesha chuckled, "Now Elesent! Flood the arena!" Elesent hissed and grabbed Pikachu with its tail, lifting it above it head and promptly began to gush water like a waterfall, rapidly drowning the ground and flooding the arena. Richie stared in wonder when Elesent stop, having turned the entire arena into the largest swimming pool in the world. "What...what are you doing?" Richie asked as his Pikachu was lowered into the water. "Waking it up," Ayesha said. They watched the water and sparks began to fly and Pikachu surfaced, breathing heavily and angry. "Elesent, what do you say to a game of hide and seek?" Elesent hissed and dove beneath the waters, leaving Pikachu alone at the surface. Richie was going to call out an attack when his Pikachu was hurled against one of their trainer's boxes and they splashed into the water again. It sank for a moment then resurfaced, only to be thrown and smashed against the other trainer's box. This time Pikachu sank and did not resurface. "Sparky!" Richie screamed. "I give Ayesha. Just don't let Sparky drown! Please!" Ayesha felt pity for the boy and waved her hand. Elesent emerged, Pikachu held gently in its jaws and was deposited next to Richie before it vanished once more beneath the waves. "And that match goes to Kyen!" called the ref, who had managed to crawl up on the fan wall to avoid being drowned. The crowd cheered wildly and Ayesha bowed, summoning her Pokemon back. The water evaporated and the two trainers left. "Hey," Richie said before she departed. "Kyen...if you meet a guy names Satoshi...tell him...tell him we miss him, k?" Kyen looked at Richie as he held his Pikachu and was suddenly reminded of the black haired boy who was now a rebel master. She nodded and the two parted ways, but neither was left unscarred. Only one person in the crowd did not cheer, but watched with an intensity that many would have found scary. Growling, the figure rose and left. So, she was back, the little girl who took second in the League, not just the tournament. And if she was back...what of him? The figure exited the stadium, not needing to see more in person.