Prelude Chapter 1: Decision Slowly, Sister Moon relented her midnight throne to Father Sun as he rose once more to claim it. Clouds drifted around him, the sky was tinged pink from his rays. The wind lapped at the trees leaves, toying with them. The water whispered its stories to the world as it ran down the stream. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" called Satoshi as the sun rose, Pikachu finishing off a Vulpix with the shot. "Oh no!" cried the boy as he ran to his Vulpix. "You truly are a master, Master Satoshi!" The boy recalled his Vulpix and walked off. Satoshi sighed. "It's easy." Pikachu murmured a reply and nuzzled Satoshi's hair. Satoshi smiled and stroked Pikachu as he walked down the road towards Professor Ookido's house. A lot had changed in the six years he and Shigeru had reigned as leading world Pokemon Masters. Satoshi had changed visibly and emotionally. His hair, still black, was long and silken, tied in a ponytail that reached his knees. His eyes shone a crisp auburn brown with streaks of gold, his ear shone with a silver pokeball earring. He had on a turtleneck, long-sleeve shirt that had some material cut out to expose the skin on his shoulders. He had on black leather pants with black boots. Around his neck hung a silver and gold pokeball - which had been specially crafted for Pikachu, although he never used it. It was just there for decoration. As for changing emotionally...Satoshi had become much closer to his Pokemon then he ever thought he possibly could. Even Charizard, who had left him in the Jhoto League, came around every month or so and each time he was stronger and eager to show off his newfound strength. "Satoshi!" called someone and Satoshi was thrown from his thoughts. He looked up and walking towards him were Umbreon and Shigeru. "Hey Shigeru," Satoshi said with a soft smile as he approached his old rival, who was now his partner in maintaining their world title. Shigeru had changed as well. His brown hair had deepened and was now the deep brown of an oak tree's bark; neatly tied in a braid that was the same length as Satoshi's. His eyes were deep green like the leaves, splintered with shards of shadow and gold, sort of like his Umbreon. He wore a turtleneck as well, but the sleeves were elbow sleeves, and they were rolled up. He too had an earring, but his was gold. He had also been awarded the silver and gold pokeball, but he didn't wear it as a necklace, no, he wore it as a chain around his waist, standing out against his white jeans. He wore tennis shoes instead of his boots, and he had a ring on his left hand, a gift from an 'adoring' fan. Shigeru had also come to learn to love his Pokemon, not use them as tools of war and battle. Umbreon had evolved because of this and now, he and his Pokemon were forces to be reckoned with. Even his older Pokemon, now with his Grandfather, got love and respect from Gary whenever he called on them. "Nice battle just then," Shigeru said. "And you're right, things are to easy now days." "So, what are we going to do?" Satoshi asked as they walked down the path. "We can't go the Indigo League Tournament. That's not held for another six months at least and no trainer I know of has even enough power to last five minutes against us." "True," Shigeru sighed. "But, Grandfather has pulled something up. A new and secluded continent called Crystalmir. All new Pokemon, all new trainers, rules, leagues - everything." "What are you getting at?" Satoshi asked, raising a wall of defense. For some off reason beyond his knowledge, Shigeru had always managed to get him to do things when he thought they were bad idea and they usually were. "Why don't we go to Crystalmir?" Shigeru asked. "Come on! We deserve to have something new to do! Being cooped up in Pallet is getting boring and fighting for Indigo has lost all the joy it used to hold, when we were novice Masters. But then...we beat Lance and...everything just sort of fell apart after that. Pokemon battles became pointless because we knew we could win. But at Crystalmir we won't know. There are all new Pokemon we won't know how to handle...anything! Please Satoshi!" Satoshi frowned, but sighed reluctantly and gave his consent. As of late, Shigeru had been acting more and more like a little kid, running to a parent for permission. But then again, he and Satoshi had been coming closer together like brothers ever since they became Masters. Only they could understand each other, only they knew how the other felt, even when they didn't show it. It was like a brotherly connection, Satoshi the older and Shigeru the older. Together, they walked to Prof. Ookido's house, their Pokemon running ahead playing a game of tag. "So, how do we get there?" Satoshi asked Shigeru as they walked. "Hmm? Oh, Gramps scored us tickets on a new ship called the S.S. Crystalmir," he replied. "Really fancy. Better then the S.S. Anne, or so the reports say." "Ah, you're here," Prof. Ookido smiled. He was now around eighty or so and getting on in his years. Kenji was taking over, handling most of the important research, but Prof. Ookido kept active. "Gramps said that we could borrow some Rapidashes and ride to Vermillion City, where the ship is docked. We can go and see Kasumi and Takeshi on the way too," Shigeru smiled. Satoshi blinked, looking up at Shigeru. Even though Satoshi sometimes felt that Shigeru treated him like the older of the two, he was still shorter and younger. Satoshi noticed that two duffle bags had already been prepared and upon inspection he found his clothes, shoes, extra pokeballs, food, toiletries and all the other things he needed already in there. Obviously Shigeru had known he would say yes and had prepared. Satoshi growled at himself, thinking he had become too predictable. But then, he found something glinting at the bottom of the bag. Picking it up, he stood there, astonished. In his hand was a perfectly crafted pokeball, but it was made of obsidian. He looked to Shigeru for an explanation, but Shigeru only shrugged and pulled out a marble ball from his duffle. "Prof. Ookido, what does this mean?" Satoshi asked and flashed the obsidian ball. "Oh, that," Prof. Ookido walked over and picked it up with a grim face. "It's a gift from the reigning Champion on Crystalmir. She said that you two were most welcome and that she hopped to see you once you got there. She said that these balls would gain you safe passage, but she also said something about being aware for when you go to Crystalmir, she said, you will face a challenge like nothing you have ever faced before." "Okay, that does, I'm going!" Satoshi crowed and Shigeru smiled. "Are the Rapidashes ready?" Prof. Ookido smiled and motioned to the back, where Kenji was waiting for them; dressed in a loose lab coat, a tank top and shorts. He led them to where two fully tacked Rapidashes were waiting, their saddle packs filled with blankets and some extra money. Together the two mounted and after waving goodbye and securing their Pokemon in front of them the two galloped off into the rising sun, bathed in a blanket of red. Satoshi and Shigeru reigned in their Rapidashes sharply as they neared the end of a large forest, Vermillion Forest to be exact. The Rapidashes blew hard, their chest pumping in and out, but they shook their fiery manes as a sign they wanted to continue their run. Satoshi and Shigeru didn't let them though; they were far to close to Nibi City to do that. Reaching into their packs they each drew out black cloaks and donned them, hiding their faces and moved their Rapidashes into a trot. The clopping of their hooves was the only sound that greeted them as they entered the first Indigo League Gym Town. Shigeru tied his Rapidash to the limb of tree that was located slightly into the forest behind the gym. Both he and Satoshi were worried. Nobody had seen them; in fact, there was no one there. Grimly, he and Satoshi set out about the town, to see if they could find anyone at all. To their joyous relief they found everyone in the town, including Takeshi and his family, but the relief only lasted a sparing moment. Everyone was silent, watching as a boy and something none of them could see pummeled his Pokemon, a Graveler by the looks of it. "Enough!" called a girl, breaking the silence. The trainer battling the boy. "Finish this UmiHebi!" In response to her command an Pokemon suddenly appeared, a Vaporeon, but it was huge and bore many a scar along its sleek body. The eyes were deep voids of black that danced with blue flame. The overly grown Vaporeon opened its mouth and with a bored look blasted the Graveler with a Hydro Pump attack. The Graveler fell, the match was over. The boy didn't recall his Graveler. He slumped to the ground and stared at the girl and her giant of a Vaporeon, who stood at least at waist level on the girl, about the size of a Houndoom. The girl was pretty. She had long silver hair that flowed down her back in waves, like the water and she wore a turtle neck, elbow sleeve shirt and blue jeans, tennis shoes pocking out from underneath them. She had a chain around her waist, six pokeballs attacked to it. Her face was a porcelain white color, the cheeks set high and her lips were a delicate pink color. Her hand were slender and supple, a bracelet with Pokemon charms on it adorned her slender wrist. She was about as tall as Shigeru and she looked as nasty and cold as he had when he first started his Pokemon Training. However, her outward appearance did not show what she was like on the inside. Her Vaporeon nuzzled her affectionate on the hip and the girl bent so she could look it in they eye. The Vaporeon made a sound like a giggle and the girl rubbed it where most Vaporeons loved to be rubbed, their neck fin. Silently she walked from the ring, but not before handing her Vaporeon a Pokemon Treat. Satoshi and Shigeru ran up to Takeshi. He was rigid, his palms clenching and unclenching as he watched the girl come to stand alone, playing with her Vaporeon in reward for a good job. "Takeshi! What's wrong?" Satoshi asked, his eyes laced with the signs of fear for his friend. Takeshi was silent for a moment as he watched the girl. "Her name is Sivitri Scarzam." "So?" Shigeru shrugged his shoulders, not comprehending why Takeshi seemed so worried about the girl called Sivitri. "So?!" Takeshi cried and whirled to look at them, his face clouded by doubt and worry. "So, Sivitri Scarzam is the granddaughter of Sol'kanar Scarzam." Both of them stared stupidly at him, not comprehending. Takeshi sighed, but it was sigh of worry and it was shaky. Again he turned to the girl. "If she's here, that means that her grandfather has once again started a Pokemon War and this time, by the looks of the Vaporeon, he's gone all out to win." Shigeru and Satoshi were silent, watching the girl. Slowly the girl turned to them and they shuddered as they looked into her eyes. Her eyes reflected the darkness of a child of war.