Here it is! The next action packed chapter! Enjoy! The alarm went off and the room was filled with the red light of the alert. "Red alert!"shouted the comm. "All Hands Red alert!" I jumped out of my bed. It was happening. This couldn't be! It's impossible! It was a dream! It can't be coming true! But with each moment that passed, that false hope faded. I grabbed the sword on the wall and turned around expecting to see the others, but they were gone. I turned as the door opened to the right of me. It was John. "Sir!"He said urgently. "We have to get to the Barracks!" "Where are the others?"I asked. He paused. "Where are my friends?"I asked desperatly. "I-I don't know sir!"said John helplessly. "All I know is that I have strict orders to get you to the Barracks!" "I have to look for the others!"I said, crossing the room, but John blocked the doorway. "I can't let you alone sir,"He said. "Than you come with me!"I shouted desperatly, grabbing his arm and running down the hall. Somehow, I knew where to go. I was frantically running the dream through my mind. I knew what was coming, and I had a rough idea of when, yet I was dreading it with each passing moment. But at least one thing was on my side; preperation. John and I jumped as the door on our side blasted open and horrible creatures charged through the door, the same creatures that attacked Zach when we first met him! They attacked us, but we countered, knocking them out. I was extreamly worried. This was definatly not in my dream. This was a bad sign. We encountered more of the creatures as our search continued. I desperatly searched but yeilded no results. A feeling of dread swept over me as the lights went out. "JOHN!"I yelled in the darkness. This was it. The figure was approaching. I could feel it. I expected the lights to come back on with John by my side, but when he didn't respond that frightended me. I cringed as a blood curdling shriek emitted from the darkness. "JOHN!!"I screamed again. The light at the end of the hall flickered on. There he was. The sickly bear-like image clutching the limp figure that was John in his massive hands. He looked on me with his demonic red eyes, which narrowed under the cloak he was wearing as he saw me. He threw the lifeless mass that was John onto the floor and faced me in full light. Standing at full height he looked about 6'11'' and very muscular. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a giant sword. I took my agressive stance and was ready to fight to the death. I charged and thrusted my blade, which he effortlessly parried and kicked me onto my back. I concentraited and used my telekenisis to throw him, but he seemed to expect it and parried it just as effortlessly. I saw his eyes glow brighter as I felt my sword pulled forcefully out of my hand, which he crushed in mid-air right in front of me. Suddenly I was thrust against the wall, pinned and unable to budge. He walked closer to me as I struggled, and I felt my arms and legs snap together as if ropes were binding them. I fell to the floor hard, looking up in his eyes, I saw the great demonic redness fade, and they were replaced with chocolate brown eyes, just like mine. He bent down lower. Then he spoke. "Now,"he said softly, in a voice completly different from the one in the dream. "You...are...mine....Son." I felt the blood drain out of me. As he bent down, I saw his face under his hood. It was His face.The sole leader of our most persistant, notoriouse enemies. The Dragon of the west. My Father.......Giovannie. ------------------------- Everything was dark. I was drifting. Drifting through what seemed like endless time and space. Alone. Forgotten.... "Well done." What? "You have chosen your path." My path? "You truly are the one." What are you saying? "The powers of old have been passed on to you." Powers... "Now I am here." Who...? "I am with you." I know you... "My love..." My love. "Awaken." A light was ahead. I ran twards it. At the light, standing there, with open arms....was Her. I awoke and saw the beautiful blue eyes, the fiery red hair, and the wonderful lips smiling down at me in the light. My destiny. "Misty..." (Sniff) Sorry.(Sob) I'm just so touched.(Sniffle) I love a good romance.(Honk!) I'm so emotional. Thank you so much for reading this far, But this is just the beginning! There is more to come soon! Now if (Sniff) you'll excuse me, Keep a stick on the i-i-(Bawling)