Hey there! This is my first book so I hope it's good. I'm going off of the origonal manga that I absoulutly LOVE TO READ!!! I like it better than the T.V. show, but that's just me So I hope you like it! BOOM!! I jerked awake as a loud explosion reached my ears. I saw several people scramble out of their bunks onto the floor. There was another explosion that I swore shook the whole base, and everyone started scrambling to their posts. I got up and grabbed a sword on the wall and ran off to join them. "Sir!"said one of the soldiers."I need to escort you out of here-" "No!"I said. "I can't abandon these people!" "Sir, I have specific orders to-" "Than come with me!"I said, grabbing him and running off to join them. We were running down the hallway when there was another explosion that shook the bunker. We were thrown to the floor, but quickly regained ourselves and pressed onward our destination. Just then the secruity alarm blasted. "BREACH! BREACH! INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" "Hurry!" I screamed. We ran faster down the hall, trying to get tward out team. Suddenly the lights killed and we were plunged into darkness. "JOHN!!"I yelled into the darkness. "I'm all right," I heard him say next to me. Than a light came on right in front of us, and we saw everyone but John and me on the floor, whether they were dead, I do not know, nor do I want to find out. The light was coming from a towering figure at the end of the hall. He was tall, barrel chested, and shrouded in a black cloak. John and I raised our swords. "Is this the guy they were telling us about?"I asked tensly, but John didn't answer. "John?"I turned and looked at him. He had a look of pure terror on his face, and he fell to the floor. He had a shiriken in his chest. "JOHN! NO!"I screamed. He isn't, he can't be! I felt the rage inside of me rise. "You will suffer for this!" I ran at him and he hit in the face. I fell to the ground. He looked at me with cold eyes and threw his hand up in the air. I was bound by invisible ropes. Unable to move, the ropes crushing my chest. Was this it? I could not see his face, but his eyes were full of..satisfaction. he was closing in, I was blacking out, nothing to do. Nothing I could do. But I suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Still your breathing, and let go of your fear." I know that voice. "Deep inside of you there is power that you never knew of." Power... "And never forget..." Inside...me..? "Never....forget..." "You are the one who can walk the path.." There you go, the prolouge. Hope you liked it! don't worry, I got the next part coming ASAP! until then, Keep a stick on the ice!