Saffron City Narrator: The fight had gotten from bad to worse and Gary was getting thrown around. He was loosing badly and Kazoo was really close to ending his life..... Kazoo: Hahahaha Gary.... You cant beat me... Gary: (thinking) grrrrr hes right.... he is to strong. Kazoo: Lets finish this battle shall we. Narrator: Gary just got an idea he was gonna use the biggest and strongest solar beam he has ever used in his life. But it would also cost him his...... Life........ Gary: Charge!!!!!!!! Narrator: Gary was about to put his plan into action. Kazoo: What are you doing Gary. Your putting your life force into this attack. DO you know you will die. Gary: I know but I will take you with me. Kazoo: Dont count on it I will destroy you be for you use that attack!!!! Narrator: Just then Kazoo went charging at Gary. Gary: (thinking) Darn it he is about to kill me... Well I gave it all I got...... Narrator: All of a sudden Kazoo was stopped in footsteps. Sabrina was holding his feet so he couldnt move. Kazoo: Get off me you old bag. I should of killed you while I had a chance. Sabrina: Hurry up Gary fire your attack while Im holding him. Gary: But Sabrina the blast will kill you to!!!!!! Sabrina: My time on this earth has come to an end now just do it and hurry I cant hold off any longer!!!!!! Gary: Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mega SolarBeam!!!!!!!!! Narrator: It was one of the biggest blasts that anyone has seen in there lives. Misty: Whats going on.... Troy: Gary!!!!!!!!!!!! X:.................. Narrator: The blast completely ahniliated Kazoo to nothing and completely destroyed Sabrina as well..... The blast died down...... Misty and everyone returned to the city to find it in ruins. Misty: Gary!!!!!!!! Troy: Where is he.... X: There......... Narrator: Gary was on the ground bleeding his eyes where open and he was barely alive. X: How you hanging in there buddy. Gary: a-a-a Ash is that yo- yo- you. Man am I- i-i-i glad to see you. X: Save your words Gary you need to rest. I thought you where gonna die. Gary: Sabrina gave me her life energy before she died. Narrator: Just then Gary past out. Troy: Boy im glad he is alive. Misty: Yeah me to..... Narrator: The gang all went to a near by pokemon center. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Red 7 Hide out ???: So Kazoo's been defeated. ???: Yeah boss unfortunately...... ???: No matter........ Zane you will go after them and make sure you kill them got it. Zion: Gotcha boss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Pokemon Center Nurse Joy: Good news Gary will be ok Misty: Thats great Troy: O yeah- X: What about Z Nurse Joy: Well ummmmm....... X: Yeah Nurse Joy: He sustained critical injuries and he needs time to rest a lot of time. X: (thinking) dang that throws off my whole schedule we need to move fast. Misty: How long do we have to wait Nurse Joy: Probably 3 Days Gary: I think we all need time to rest and train a little Narrator: Gary came out with out a shirt on and his chest was rapped in bandages Nurse Joy: Gary id advise you to go back to bed... Gary: Cant nurse I gotta train. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----A day later Everyone was outside training Misty: Come on Troy give me your best shot Narrator: Troy came running full speed and swung but misty ducked and uppercutted him. Misty: Thats called the misty uppercut Troy: That was a good hit... Narrator: Gary was practicing on his taijutsu meaning hand to hand combat Misty: Hey Ash come train with me X: Yeah right Misty: are you scared Gary: Misty thats not a good idea to fight Ash you wont win trust me. Misty: Awwwww he is scared. Is my speed too much for you???? Troy: Hahahahahaha he is afraid to fight Misty. Ash: Ok Bring it on....... Narrator: Ash took off his Hoodie and he had on a black shirt with black shorts. He wore a bandage covering his right arm from his right shoulder to his fingers. And he had bandages on his right leg from his thigh to his feet. Misty: Lets begin. Narrator: Misty was really one of the fastest in that group but she never got to see Ash's real speed. Misty: Misty uppercut!!!!!! Narrator: Misty barely missed that hit. X: (thinking) damn she really is fast Narrator: Misty unleashed an all out fury of attacks but couldn't land one. Misty: (thinking) he is really fast but now its time for me to kick it up another level.... X: You done yet. Misty: Take this!!!! Narrator: Misty Kicked Ash in the chest Troy: Damn that girl is fast Gary: No kidding she actually landed an attack on Ash.... X: (thinking) ok time to get serious. Narrator: Ash sat on the ground in indian stlye it was like he was taking off his shoes. Misty: Ready to give up. Narrator: Ash took off a one ton pound ankle weight of his feet, he then put them down. X: That feels so much better Troy: Dropping a little weight wont help him much. Gary: You have no idea watch him closely. X: You ready.... Ill show you real speed. Misty: Bring it then!!!! Narrator: Ash charged at misty with tremendous speed Misty: (thinking) he is coming in too fast all I can do is defend Narrator:Ash Did the weakest punch to Misty and she blocked it. Misty: Ha!!! Is that all. X: Watch closely.... Narrator: Ash moved his left foot just a little and then dissapeared. Troy: What the- Misty: No way no one can just dissapear like that. Gary: Told you Ash is the real deal. Misty: Where is he... Narrator: Ash appeared right behind her but she didnt even notice. X: Right here........... Narrator: Misty slowly turned around barely noticing him. Misty: huh.. Narrator: But be for Misty could react or even defend Ash punched her sending her flying and doing 360's hitting the ground very hard.. X: Give up there is no way you can win.... Misty: (thinking) hes to strong for me Troy: Ok stop this match Narrator: Troy went over to help Misty up... Troy: Hey you ok. Misty: Yeah ill be fine Narrator: Misty then fainted. Troy then took her inside. Gary: I see you havent lost your speed. X: ............ Gary: Well ill get back to training Narrator: Ash then walked away.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Mid-Night Narrator: Everything was quite..... Misty: I need to get some fresh air. Narrator: Misty walked out side Misty: huh whats that noise. Narrator: Misty hears a baby's cry deep in the forrest Misty: A baby what is it doing in a scary place like this. Narrator: Misty walked up to the carriage. Misty: Its ok little one it will all be fine. Narrator: Just as misty touched it the baby and carriage exploded. Sending Misty hurling back ???: Wow you really are stupid.... Misty: Who are you. ???: The names Zion Misty: What do you want Zion: All of your lives. Troy: You gotta go through me first Misty: Troy!!!! Narrator: Ash and Gary stood there watching this whole event. Troy: GO Meowth!!!! Fuzion!!!!! Narrator: Troy grew wiskers and had sharp claws Zion: DO it Bayleef!!!! Fuzion!!!!!!!!!!! Narrator: Zion turned into a green like monster with a big leaf blade. Troy: Take this Furry swipes!!!!!! Narrator: Zion used his speed to dodge the attack.. Zion: Petal Dance!!!!!! Narrator: A bunch of rose petals came down and and attacked Troy landing a hit... Misty: Troy be careful!!!!! Troy: (thinking) this guy is strong but i can beat him.... Zion: Your death is inevidable..... You will not win Troy: You talk to much lets get this fight over with..... Have some of this..... Death Claw!!!!!!! Narrator: The move was a hit and it did critical damage. Zion: Your pretty strong but I will win. Narrator: Zion came rushing at full speed Troy: Well let's end this!!!!! Narrator: Both came full speed at each other. Zion: Leaf Blade!!!!!!! Troy: Death Claw!!!!!!!!! Narrator: Both went throught each other like a ninja showdown..... When the smoke cleared both where still standing. Zion: (thinking) i hit..... Narrator: Troy fell to his knees and was bleeding really badly out of his side... Zion: Told you, you cant defeat me. Troy: I, i , I hit toO!!! Zion: Huh!!!! Narrator: Zion's body had a claw mark right through him Zion: Impossible there's no way. Narrator: He then collapsed and disenegrated into darkness. Misty: All Right Troy!!!! Good Job!!!! X: He actually won!!!! Gary: Yeah he fought well....