The Last Day at the Pokecenter X: Well thanks for the hospitality it was all good... Nurse Joy: Your welcome and come again... Z: Thanks for the treatment... Nurse Joy: Now you be careful. Z: Yeah Misty: Now where to X: Petalburg City. Misty: For........ What Ash. X: Business... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Petalburg City. Z: Finally were here time to rest up you guys. Gary: Were one step closer to Red 7 Hide out.... X: Yeah I know... Troy: Wait a minute then what are we doing here. X: Like I said before business........ Hey well Ill see you guys in an hour in the outskirts of town got someone to see. Narrator: Ash then vanishes at the blink of an eye. Misty: (thinking) o no you dont im gonna follow you Narrator: Misty follows him... Troy: What the- where'd she go???? Gary: She went after him dont worry they will be safe. Z: Let's go do some training Gary. Troy: Mind if I join you guys. Gary: You gotta keep up. Troy: O I will!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Petalburg City Dojo Narrator: Misty senses ash's presents in this dojo so she walks in. Misty: Wonder where he went. Narrator: Misty then gets tackled to the floor. X: Ha I new you would follow me. Misty: Yeah you got me Ash. X: But you shouldn't of this is a very dangerous place I came to get some training. Misty: You training- I thought you were that good. X: I am but a lil more wont hurt. ???: Excuse me weaklingsbut what are you guys doing here. X: Weaklings!!!!! ???: We only allow the strongest fighters to come to this dojo. X: Then maybe it's a good thing im here. ???: O really well allow me to be your first test my name is Yuki. X: Ok Yuki bring it..... Narrator: Ash takes out a pokeball and he is about to call someone out. Yuki: Wait weakling!!!!! X: Hey stop calling me that!!!!!!!! Yuki: In this Dojo we don't allow Fuzion. We only fight hand to hand are you willing to drop to my circumstances??? Weakling!!!!! X: O yeah bring it on... Narrator: Yuki charges at Ash and throws a punch at him but barely misses. Yuki: (thinking) this guys fast X: So Yuki is that the best you got. Yuki: Not by a long shot.. Take this!!!!!!!! Narrator: Yuki tried to under cut ash but he dodged it. X: This is beggining to bore me.... Yuki: Your stronger than you look. X: Ok time to end this Agh!!!!!!!!! Narrator: Ash charged at Yuki with tremendous speed and he punched him out of the dojo wall. Misty: Woa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X: May we move on weakling!!!! Yuki: yeah- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Outside Petalburg Narrator: Gary,Z, and Troy were all training. Troy: Is that Gary Gary: O please im only going 10 percent. Z: Take this Gary!!!!! Narrator: Z charged at gary and raised his fist and hit him down. Gary: Nice hit....... Troy: Well Ash is supposed to be here in ten minutes let's stop for now guys... Z: Yeah he's right.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Petalburg Dojo Narrator: Ash went through more than 20 test's and finally he was at the end. X: Master Fung Come out already. Master Fung: X so good of you to come by. X: Yeah now you know why im here right. Master Fung: Why of course X. Ready when you are. Narrator: Master Fung took of his robe and was ready to fight. Misty: Wait your not gonna fight this old geyser are you Ash. X: He might look old but this guy beat me a couple years back. And if I can beat him now I know I can take on Red 7. Master Fung: Ready when you are. But let's make things intesesting X. Lets Fuze... X: Now your talking my language Master Fung. Master Fung: Go Electabuzz!!!!!! Fuzion!!!!!!! Narrator: Master Fung glowed a bright yellow and when the glow calmed down he came out with thunder fists. Ash: Nice.. Go Charizard!!!! Fuzion!!!!!! Narrator: Ash's body had flames all over him he was a walking torch. Master Fung: Shall we begin take this Lightning Fists!!!! Narrator: Master Fung's punches were very intense and quick. But Ash managed to dodge all of them. Master Fung: I see you got faster X. X: Yeah you to.. Master Fung: Electric Strike!!!!! X: Come on you know thats not gonna work. Narrator: Ash Dodged all of them with ease. Master Fung: I dont understand how did you get so fast and strong. X: I trained my mind and body and soul... I can never lose. Master Fung: I see....... narrator: Master Fung changed back into his normal form... X: What the Master Fung whats up why did you change back??? Master Fung: I know for a fact your gonna win your way to strong i conceid defeit. X: O yeah!!!! Looks like I win.... Misty: (thinking) ash is at a new level hes way to strong. Master Fung: Well thanks for the fight. X: I should be thanking you Master Fung but I gotta go now red 7 is waiting for us. Master Fung: Go Get them!!! X: Yeah!!! Narrator: Ash leaves the dojo to join his friends outside of town. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Outside of town Troy: Wow that was some training session Gary: Yeah Richie: Thats what we needed. X: You guys ready to go. Gary: Yeah. Misty: Where to this time X: Red 7 Hide out...... Narrator: Everyone was quiet and shocked. Troy: What!!!!! Are you sure. Richie: Yeah Troy its time we made a stand. Misty: Where exactly is there hide out X: Its in the realm of darkness its located near cinnabar island. Gary: Let's go!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near Cinnabar Island Narrator: The gang took a boat to cinnabar island thinking they have a slim chance of getting caught by red 7 X: Ok guys we already defeated 4 members of Red 7 that means there's only 3 left. Gary: Yeah I know there's Hilzac but I dont know the other two. X: Zane and him...... Troy: Who's him... Richie: Yeah X... X: Zemnas..... The strongest member of Red 7 he is insanly strong. Misty: Strong enough to beat you.... X: I dont even know. Gary: Ok and there's still Hilzac my arch rival. Richie: I think we can really win this battle you guys... X: I know we can Richie.... Look you guys the realm of darkness.... Narrator: Up ahead there was a black-ish purple worm hole leading to another dimension X: You guys ready cause there's no turning back once we already enter. Gary: Let's do it!!!! Troy: Im ready!!!! Richie: Let's Go!!!! Misty: Im with you Ash!!!! X: Then Let's Go!!!! Narrator: They all enter the worm hole.