Stadium Narrator: Everyone in the BEGA company came to see this match even Misty had some free time on her hands so she was in the crowd. Boris: Bladers are you ready??? Ash: Yeah Crusher: Yeah. Boris: 3,2,1 Let it Rip!!!!! Narraotr: And the battle was on and it looked like Ash had the upper hand. Crusher: Im not going down that easy. Go Gigars!!!!! Narrator: Crusher's red blade was going crazy attacking Ash blade with tremendous power. Ash: whoa!!!! This guy is really strong. Go Dragoon!!!!!!!! Narrator: Ash's blade attacked with more power. Boris: (thinking) yes if i can have this power than bega will be unstopable. Crusher: Gigar!!!! Demoltion Axe!!!!! Narrator: A big demon came out ad swung an Axe coming full speed at Dragoon. Ash: Dragoon!!!! Victory Tornado Attack!!!! Narrator; Both attacks collided sending a massive surge of energy into the air. But when the smoke cleared Ash's blade was the only one spinning. Boris: Stadium out and Ash wins it Ash: Yeah!!!!!!! Boris: (thinking) he used his weakest attack and still beat crusher,and Crusher's is an elite member of BEGA. Ash: Well im outta here. Narrator: Seeing Misty in the crowd he winks at her. But all the girls think he's winking at them. Girl1: O my Ash just winked at me o my god!!! Misty: He was winking at me. Girl1: Yeah right Misty. Boris: Well Ash what do you think of BEGA will you join us. Ash: No can do. Boris: Well ill just have to respect your decision. But Where gonna take over the world and if you wanna stop us I suggest you get a team together and you will take on my team. What do you say Ash. Ash: Your on. Boris: Let's raise the stakes a little if we win you will swear your allegiance to BEGA. Ash: And if I win you Get out of this town got it. Boris: Yeah. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Ash's House Narraotr: Ash spent all night Calling up Brock Richie Gary and Ken. Richie Brock and Ken agreed to joing up with him but he couldn't reach Gary, no one had seen him after the tournament. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Hoen Narrator: Richie and the White Tiger X team was training Richie for his big battle. Lee: well thats enough training let's hit the hay. Narrator: Just then a mysterious blader came out with a mask on. ???: Hey Richie what do you say to a battle. Richie: Ok but who are you Narrator; The mysterious guy took of his mask ???: The name is Mystel. Richie: Well Mystel let's do this Mystel: Yeah Mariah: 3,2,1 Let it Rip!!!!!!! Narrator: Both bladers where going at it head to head non stop attacking. Mystel: Attack!!!! Narrator: Mystel's blade was defying gravity and actually floting in mid-air Richie: No way. Mystel: Go Posideon!!!!! Narrator: Mystel's blue blade went straight for Richie's grey blade. Richie: Do it Drigger!!! Narrator: The attack caused an explosion. Mystel: Not bad... Richie: Yeah you two. Mystel: Go Posideon!!! Ocean Javelin!!!!!!!! Richie: Drigger Gatling Claw!!!! Narrator: Both attack met and it caused un up heavel of the ground sending boulders down a cliff heading straight towards Mystel. Richie: Watch out. Narrator: Richie: Pushed Mystel out of the way so none of them got injured but in the end they had to call the match a draw. Mystel: Well its been a blast but I gotta go. But Richie ill get my re match promise Richie: Promise Narrator: The both shook hands. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Orre Region Tala: Who does this guy think he is taking over the industry. Spencer: yeah right I say we go over there and give him a piece of our minds. Bryan: Not a bad idea. Tala: Right let's pay a little visit to Pallet town first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- BEGA Headquarters Boris: It's an honor to have you join our BEGA team....... Gary. Gary: Yeah whatever ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Ash's Home Narrator: Ash was up again all night waiting for Misty. Ash: This has got to stop. We havent talked like we normally have and we havent done it in weeks. Narrator: Just then the front door opens. Misty: Hey Ash nice blading today at BEGA Headquarters. Ash: Yeah thanks Misty: Ash whats wrong. Ash: Misty I feel like wheve been apart again... You dont talk to me anymore all cause of your new job. Misty: Im sorry Ash but BEGA wants so much out of us and we gotta do our best well tomorrow we can spend the day with each other I promise. Ash: Don't you have work. Misty: It's my day off for working so hard. Well im going to bed ill see you in the morning. Narrator: Misty gave Ash a liss on the lips and made her way into there room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 5:00 in the Morning. Narrator: Misty got up cause she heard the phone then she picked it up. Misty: H- Hello Boris: Misty we need you at Headquarters now. Misty: Are you for real. Boris: Yeah sorry but your day off will be scheduled for another day. Narrator: Boris then hangs up the phone. Misty: (thinking) sorry ash. Narrator: Misty gets ready for work and Leaves the House. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Morning Narrator: Ash wakes up to a new day and very excited that he is gonna spend the day with Misty. Misty: Hey Misty where are you. Narrator: Misty didnt answer. Ash: Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder where she could be Narrator: Ash then reads a letter on the table saying that Misty had to run in and she is very sorry. Ash: Grrrrrrrr I new it. She loves that job more than me. Narrator: Ash then walks to the park enraged in anger.