----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Pallet Town. Narrator: Ash Richie Brock and Ken where training the hearts out but they need a fifth blader. THey aquired new parts called the magna core it took a whle to control it but it was a success, in a couple of days they would be going against the Justice 5, the BEGA Bladers. Ash: Geez man we need another blader. Richie: Calm down. Ash: Well ill just blade twice then. Brock: Ash thats to much strain on your body you might not make it. Ash: I cant take it any more!!!! Narrator: Ash launches his blade in the air... But it gets hit by a dark blue blade and it went right back to Ash. Ash: What the- Narrator: Ash saw a guy looking all beaten up with scrathes all over. ???: You guys still looking for a teammate. ASh: Gary!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Day of the BEGA Tournament Narrator: O yeah it was the day the BBA Revoultion vs the Justice 5 BEGA Bladers. everyone was at this event all over the world it was even broadcast. Everyone around the world was watching this amazing event. Boris: Thank you fans for coming to this amazing event in BEGA Blading. Well folks this match is gonna be the best of 5 and good luck to all bladers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- BBA Revolution Bench Ash: Well its show time guys. Brock: Where all ready. Gary: ....... Narrator: Gary looked back on how he control the magna core it took some time but he got the job done he remembered when he was battling against Brooklyn he took all that rage into controlling the magna core and well he got it done. Dj: And now for the first bladers its Ken vs Misty!!!! Ash: What the- Ken: No way. Dj: Bladers are you ready??? Misty: Yeah Ken: ummmmmmmmmm yeah. Dj: 3,2,1 Let it Rip!!!!! Narrator: Both bladers where going at it head to head. Misty: Go Venus!!!!!!!!!! Narrator: Misty's blade was attacking Ken's blade with a lot of power. Ken: (thinking) i cant take it easy on her even if she is with ash. Ash: (thinking) how could misty do this Ken: Attack Strata Dragoon!!!!!!!!! Narrator: Both bladers where evenly matched Misty: I gotta keep my guard up. Garland: This isint nothing yet. Misty(Thinking) sorry ash i was gonna tell you but i didnt get the chance. Narrator: All the fans where chanting Misty's name and that was giving her a power boost. Ken: (thinking) agh!!!!!!! im feeling the pain right now its the crowd there helping hee out. Crowd: Misty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Misty: V Temptaion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Narrator: A giant white dove with four wings came out and hit Ken's blade out of the stadium. Ken: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dj: Stadium out and Misty takes the first round!!!!!!! Narrator: The crowd was going crazy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- BBA Revolution Bench Ken: Sorry guys Ash: It's all good Ken ya did your best. Richie: Yeah but now its 1-0 and the justice 5 are ahead. Brock: It's all good duys where still in this. Ash: Excuse me guys im gonna go to the bathroom. Richie: Well im up right now. Brock: Come on Richie Gary: ......... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- BEGA Concession stand Narrator: Ash was wondering around looking for Misty he saw her leave the stadium so he went and followed her. Ash: I wonder where she could be. Narrator: Just then Ash sees her. Misty: (thinking) ........ he is here Ash: Misty wait!!!!! Narrator: Misty ran but this time Ash caught her. Ash: Misty why are you on BEGA's team Misty: Im sorry Ash I tried to tell you but I was afraid you wouldn't love me anymore Narrator: After hearing that he calmed down. Ash: Look Mist I will always love you... But you gotta tell me these kinds of things. Your team wants to take over the industry of blading. Do you know what will happen if Boris succeds. Misty: Yeah im aware Ash. Ash: Well- Narrator: Ash hears the Announcer going crazy over the match. Ash: O man I forgot Richie is blading. Well I'll see you later. Narrator: Ash runs off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Back to the Action Narrator: Both Crusher and Richie where going at it non stop action. Crusher: It's time to end this. Richie: Let's!!!! Drigger Gatling Claw!!!!!!!!!!!!! Narrator: A lion came out and went straight for Cruchers blade. Crusher: Gigars Demolition Axe!!!!!!! Narrator: A demon came out and swung its axe at Drigger both attacks colliding creating a massive power surge. But when the smoke cleared Crusher's blade was still spinning. Dj: O my what a match and Crusher wins it!!!!!!!!! Crowd: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dj: And you know what that means folks if Mystel wins the next match then the BEGA bladers win the whole thing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- BBA Revolution Bench Richie: Im sorry guys. Ash: Dont worry Richie. Brock: ............. Narrator: Brock was thinking about all the pressure. If he didn't win then it would be all his fault. Ken: Well its your turn Brock. Ash: Just do what you do Brock. Brock: Yeah. -----------------------------------------------------------------