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Last updated:
Fic: October 25, 2008
Art: October 25, 2008
Vid: No video work

The Child of Yawa (AAMRN)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -

Summary for The Child of Yawa: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) - Long story short? Ash and Misty are finally together, but aren't officially BF and GF yet. Just really REALLY close. They plan to take a vacation since Ash is finally a pokemon Master and Misty's a water pokemon Master. Misty is asked by her parents to go home (not Ceruelan) with Ash. They go to some seaside area where the Yawa family lives and Ash finds out... Misty's family is Yakuza and her parents are the heads of it. So Ash is constantly threatened with death by Misty's father and is constantly told by Misty's Mom to be more... "agressive" with Misty. So lot's of trouble and pain for Ash... Will Ash pull through for Misty? ~My summer vacation was full of pain and terror, but still it was summer... -Ashura Ketchum's summer diary

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