Goddess Fiore
Goddess Fiore

Check out my
fanfics, artwork
and videos
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Last updated:
Fic: October 1, 2008
Art: October 1, 2008
Vid: No video work

May Oh May (O)

Legend of the Tag Battle (co-authored with Greenfield's Thunder Aurora and Anime Lover Aquarius) (CO)

Parts:   1  -

Summary for May Oh May: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) - A poem about May. If you are a May fan than I suggest that you don't read this.

Summary for Her Journey Soon To Begin: Rated - PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) -

Summary for Legend of the Tag Battle: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) - There was a tournament where people teamed up to fight each other for the title of Tag Team Supreme. Time passed, the tournament ended, and it became stuff of legend. Now, in 2005, the tournament is making a comeback!

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