Anime Lover Aquarius
Anime Lover Aquarius

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Last updated:
Fic: November 16, 2008
Art: No artistic work
Vid: No video work

The Pokemon/One Piece Crossover: The Pokemon Pirates (CO)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -

Legend of the Tag Battle (co-authored with Goddess Fiore and Greenfield's Thunder Aurora) (CO)

Parts:   1  -

The Sonic the Hedgehog/Pokemon Crossover: Revenge of Eggman (CO)

Parts:   Prologue  -   1  -

Summary for The Pokemon/One Piece Crossover: The Pokemon Pirates: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) - When an Unown sends Ash and his friends to the Golden Age of Piracy, they soon make friends with the Straw Hat Pirates. They find out that the only way to get back to their time is to find One Piece, a mystirious treasure hidden by Gold Rodger, they begin a mission to find it. They soon learn they aren't the only ones searching for One Piece...

Summary for Legend of the Tag Battle: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) - There was a tournament where people teamed up to fight each other for the title of Tag Team Supreme. Time passed, the tournament ended, and it became stuff of legend. Now, in 2005, the tournament is making a comeback!

Summary for The Sonic the Hedgehog/Pokemon Crossover: Revenge of Eggman: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance suggested) - When the evil Dr. Eggman teams up with Team Rocket leader Giovanni, they make a deal: If Giovanni gets Mobius for Eggman, Eggman will get the various Pokemon reigons for Giovanni. Now it will take the combined forces of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends and Ash and the gang. Supersonic Pokemon battles!

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