Wartortle and Buizel
Wartortle and Buizel

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fanfics, artwork
and videos
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Last updated:
Fic: August 21, 2009
Art: October 22, 2008
Vid: No video work

P is for Pokémon (O)

The Battle to Start All Battles (OT)

Summary for P is for Pokémon: Rated - G (Good For All Ages) - This is a song about Pokémon. It is to the tune of "R is for Respect" and "You're a Grand Old Flag" (It's the same tune)

Summary for The Battle to Start All Battles: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) - Sometimes, a pokémon trainer fights his first battle before he gets his first pokémon. Instead, he fights with words.

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