Uncle Monkey
Uncle Monkey

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Last updated:
Fic: August 19, 2008
Art: No artistic work
Vid: No video work

Pokemon War (Gen.)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -   7  -   8  -   9  -   10  
  11  -   12  -   13  -   14  -   15  -   16  -   17  -

Saffron City: The Dead Walk! (O)

Pokemon War 2 (Gen.)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -   7  -   8  -   9  -   10  

Summary for Pokemon War: Ash goes back in time to stop team rocket from dominating the earth and accidentally gets enlisted in the Convent military.

Summary for Saffron City: The Dead Walk!: A spoof on Day of the Dead.

Summary for Pokemon War 2: Rated - PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) - Lt. Ash Ketchum finds himself in another vietnam-war style conflict between the Convent and Rocketeers.

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