Flower Powerer
Flower Powerer

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Last updated:
Fic: October 7, 2008
Art: No artistic work
Vid: No video work

Addicted (AAMRN)

Blessed (JAJRN)

Crybaby (RN)

Damaged (RN)

Rocket Girl (TR)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -   7  -   8  -   9  -   10  

Ty's Human Quest (O)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -   7  -   8  -   9  -   10  
  11  -

Escape (RN)

17 (O)

Parts:   1  -

Fallin' (AAMRN)

Summary for Rocket Girl: A fic about Giovanni's daughter and her quest to greatness. The author's note probably won't make sense, as they're from ff.net...

Summary for Ty's Human Quest: The tides have turned and now its the Pokémon's turn to catch the humans! (Author Notes are from ff.net so don't try to make sense of them. ^^)

Summary for Escape: Ash goes looking for 'Misty'. Sequel to 'Addicted' and 'Damaged'.

Summary for 17: Seventeen trainers, for each respective type, join together on a Pokemon Journey - each with different stories to tell.

Summary for Fallin': Misty ponders her feelings for Ash...does she love him, or is he just some immature punk? Songfic.

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